Light at the end of the Tunnel
We continue our journey as a nation and as a people through this dark period. It halfway through week three and people are staying strong.
There is much to be positive about despite the negativity of the media. Having said that, let me be clear; this is a serious matter and I'm not in any way making light of those who have lost loved ones or who have loved ones that are sick. And, as I've stated before, a huge thank you to all of those who are still working, specifically the medical staff, law enforcement, fire and all other emergency services and facilities services.
What I'm referring to is the "light at the end of the tunnel". The data that we are receiving via the CDC, NIH and FEMA are all very promising. They are telling us that the social distancing is working and most people are adhering to it and following the federal protocols. Others are taking it a step further and wearing PPE (personal protective equipment) such as face masks, gloves and face shields. Although these are not mandatory, and can in fact create worse situations if improperly used, it is a sign that people want to do the right thing and want to keep themselves and others safe; and again, I think that positive things like that are important.
I'm certainly not always the most optimistic person, however in times like this, I am a firm believer that if given only the two options of optimistic or pessimistic, during times like this, especially since we have little say in the virus itself, that we should be optimistic. Just my opinion and make no mistake, that doesn't mean to be ignorantly positive and try and hide the scary aspects of this pandemic; but just be smart about it. Look at the data, which are the facts. Ignore someones interpretation of it, read it and research it to understand it. The CDC and NIH etc have made the information very accessible and written in basic English so you can understand it; it is not too convoluted with scientific jargon. On that note, and not to get too political but if you're not watching the press conferences live, then I don't think you have much ground to stand on. I'm speaking of all press conferences, state governors, local governments and the President of the United States. If you watch them either live or a tape of it, then you'll be informed. It amazes me as I watch them live then read the "news" article on the same press conference, and see how much they omit or take a quote out of context etc. It is not only irresponsible, but pathetic for a journalist to do so and they should be held accountable...Ok, end rant and return to something positive :)
I have already heard several small talks about returning to normal or somewhat normal business operations. MLB noted that they have tossed around (pun intended) the idea of starting the 2020 season in the Arizona area where they normally host spring training. There are several MLB sized stadiums as well as the Arizona Diamondbacks stadium in the area, all of which they could use to play multiple games at once and perhaps several different games in the same day in the same area to get all teams to play. The arenas would not have any fans in them, just the players and minimal grounds crew, camera operators etc. So far this is just an idea, nothing has come to fruition but it is a novel idea and a testament to the ingenuity of people. It would be great to have the MLB season begin, for many reasons I think it would help people and get us slowly acclimated back into some sort of normalcy.
I think everyone across the nation is ready to get back to normal. Businesses that are completely shut down are very anxious to get back. Those employee's who have been laid off, will hopefully quickly find work again and to all of those emergency services folks working now, will get a well-deserved break and some time off.
Let me also take this moment to thank you for those of you who have tuned in to our YouTube channel by searching NateandMarzz or using the links below. We've seen an uptick in viewership and added a few more subscribers! Our goal to 100 subscribers is that much closer! Also thank you to those of you here, reading my ramblings on this blog. I know I've really been behind on this site, and behind on the YouTube videos, but thank you for sticking it out with us. I wish I had a long-term intent, but really it services both Marzz and I as an outlet to the world. A way to share to our thoughts, ideas, trips and memories with all of you. Please continue to follow us, and as we get through this pandemic and the Coronavirus is no more, we will be back out exploring the world and continuing our adventures; so stay tuned!
Take care and be well.