Time and Money
Arguably the two most valuable resources are time and money. We’ve all heard that time IS money. Sometimes money can buy you time....
Plan on Planning
As the new year develops and we near the end of winter and start thinking about spring and beyond, dreams of travel begin to form in...
Obvious, but sometimes overlooked. A few tips to visit Central Florida.
Florida welcomes millions of visitors annually who seek beautiful beaches, theme parks, water sports, golf, Nascar, and many other...
39 Candles
Time is a funny thing. Our perception of time vastly changes depending on age, circumstance, and many other factors. For example, when I...
B-Y-E N-Y-E, HELLO 2023
Once again, a new year is upon us and there are many things to reflect on 2022 and be optimistic about 2023. Regardless of how your 2022...